Thursday, July 18, 2019

Open to Question

This particular case is leading people to question the logic of the San Diego City Attorney Mara Elliot’s new law that would require gun owners to safely store their guns in either a safe or with a trigger device when not in use. [More]
Let's ask Sammy.

Then let's ask the Pitchfork Kids.

Because we should really have no questions about Mara.

 [Via Jeffersonian]

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

This belongs here:
I'd like to know their definition of "not in use". I contend that my firearm, loaded and lying on my nightstand at the ready is in use, and no different than being on my hip in a holster, or being actually fired at the range. The only time my firearms are not in use is when they are unloaded and secured in my safe. So in my mind, I would be in compliance, which is a rare coincidence for me. on Hot-Dogging It
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Witold Pilecki
at 9:37 AM