Monday, August 19, 2019

From the Department of Shoulder Things That Go Up

Gotta watch out for those "double-barrel magazine extended clips"!

Where do they find these incompetents?


Bill in ILL said...

A retired policewoman? A sergeant? She sounds more like a low IQ, uneducated fool. She is an absolute embarrassment.

On a brighter note, I ordered me some double-barreled magazine extended clips, can't wait to get them!

Henry said...

If there any videogame producers out there who aren’t flaming liberals, one of them ought to produce a first-person shooter game, where the list of weapons available to the player is limited to the stupid, nonexistent, meaningless scare terms uttered in interviews by anti-gunner idiots like this one.

If the player doesn’t understand what a “30 magazine clip” is, he can click to get an explanation of what it is and how it could be used, including the name of the moron who thought it up (and his/her political party).

As gunnies, we are all familiar with how stupid some of these people are, but finding an interesting way to expose the idiocy to a wider community that is not politically homogeneous might be advantageous in the long run.

DDS said...

One of our local "only ones" once described a FMJ bullet to a Miami Herald reporter as a "war head."