Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Today's Five-Minute Activism

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Why not?

Feel free to share what you decided to tell them.

[Via Dave Licht]


Anonymous said...

I imagine it's pretty easy to make the death of a 96 year old man look like natural causes.
Does anybody know how to buy into a dead pool? I'm betting the pilots, everybody in the jail at that time, and Ghislane Maxwell have a good chance of ill fortune befalling them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. President,

Please listen to Rush Limbaugh regarding compromise with the Democrats. You won’t win their approval on any new legislation further infringing on our Second Amendment rights, but you will alienate a large number of your voting base.

Even if you sign a new gun control legislation, you won’t win a single Democrat voter over to our side.

Please do not listen to advisors saying that new gun control will boost approval numbers. New gun control laws will only give the Democrats a reason to come back for more. They will claim it didn’t work, and needs to do more. No law has ever stopped murders from occurring, only Citizens with their God-given freedoms have been the best defense.