Monday, September 30, 2019

You Can Tell It's Mattel, It's Hell

This is all about social engineering. If @Mattel wanted to make a doll without defined private parts, totally fine, its been done many times and gives kids options. That’s not what’s going on here. This is social engineering masquerading as a toy. [More]
Hey. somebody's gotta condition the catamites for the day when being against sexually exploiting children will become an act of hate, with all that implies.

Oh, look, you can buy them for your little "6 years and up" inclusion experiment at the place that doesn't like guns anymore.

Ever hear the word "menticide"? Do you know what all the adults in your child's life encourage them to play with?

And remember what Mattel used to offer unmedicated / unconditioned boys, back in the days before "school shootings"?

And now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for the NAMBLA meeting...

1 comment:

Henry said...

What I found exceedingly bizarre is that in their print ad, all the dolls with female hair and features were dressed in pants, while all the dolls with male appearance were dressed in frilly skirts.