Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action Email List Rental Appears to Violate Privacy Terms

Anybody see anything in there about information being turned over to a third party for political campaign purposes? [More]
It'd be a shame if somebody encouraged Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders supporters to complain to the Moms, or better yet, to the FEC...


Mack said...

Read, and just posted a comment.


vintovka said...

The Everytown "Support Fund" is 501(c)3, so this is potentially actionable under the Internal Revenue Code. The "Everytown Action Fund" is 501(c)4. I don't know what the rules are regarding transfer of assets (such as a mailing list) to a political campaign for this type of non-profit. But let's face it, if the King is a Democrat, he can getaway with it...noblesse oblige, and all that.

minute-man said...

ethics ???Did you write 'ethics'??

Have you -EVER-in your life, seen a Democrat with ethics?