Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fallen Angels

“If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.” [More
I knew that ultimately we men would share in the blame. And I was a naysayer from the start.

I'm just surprised she didn't say "white men."


vintovka said...

So basically Hollywood writers are not creative enough to come out with something new and just recycle old concepts over and over again. Sorry, not parting with my money for that. I'd rather spend it on ammo!

Mack said...

Anyone watch 'Cleopatra Jones' starring Tamara Dobson?

Seriously David, if you saw this in a Drive-In, let us know.

Anonymous said...

When opinions are outlawed only outlaws will have opinions?

Henry said...

Pretty sure a lot of men watched Kill Bill. Theres a difference between a well done movie and piece of crap movie — perhaps they should investigate what it is.