Thursday, January 13, 2011

Response to Nicholas D. Kristof


Your move.


Defender said...

He mentions Hemenway and what sounds like a resurrected Kellermann study that Kellermann himself disavows as a fraud.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But if everyone else in the asylum keeps encouraging you, keep banging your head against the concrete floor. Eventually SOMETHING will break.

Pat H. said...

Comments are no longer being accepted over at NYT on Kristof's screed.

I think NO is the best response, NO with a robust back up comes next.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

The stupid, it hurts!

So much to fisk, but the best response is "HELL, NO!!"

Link P said...

The comments may be set for "reasoned discourse," but his twitter account is listed on the page.

While I am a fan of "No," I have grown fond of Anthony McAuliffe's legendary reply to the Germans during the Battle Of The Bulge: "Nuts!"

Anonymous said...

Why does the number of rounds in the magazine he had keep going up? First I heard it was a 30 round magazine, than cnn was reporting a 31 magazine, now this guy is claiming a 33 round magazine.

What gives?