Friday, January 17, 2020

And the Low-Hanging Fruit Award Goes To...

I'd love to learn more about how these morons were so thoroughly made. [More]

Just what Coonman's counting on having show up...

[Via Mack H]


Michael Gilson said...

Remember when Joel at Joel's gulch said that "If someone says, "Sure I can get all the dynamite you want. What are you gonna blow up?" You're talking to a Fed. And He's talking to an Idiot."? I think Lemley is a confidential informant. He's the oldest, he's the one who assembled the gun, and according to this report told the others, "Oops, it looks like I accidentally made a machine gun."

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

I see Michael and I think alike. I read the affidavit with spoecifics from encrypted chats and private conversations, etc, and looked to which one of the three was present each time: Only Lemley.