Monday, March 16, 2020

Which Have Eyes and See Not

From comments under my latest:
I have no idea WHICH hispanics you are referring to…. but all of them I know are very happy to be here in the US where, once they are permanent residents, they have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms.
Don’t know which Hispanics you’ve been talking to. We like guns and RKBA.
Y'know, guys, I gave you links to this and this, which neither of you bothered to read or address. Both pretty clearly challenge naysayers to "produce credible data – not opinion, not anecdotes, not isolated examples, but something that can be independently validated."

Of course, we all know friendlies. Some of us are even fortunate enough to know and learn from great champions.

And 70% of that population being anti admits that 30% of them aren't, although the level of reverse commitment is unknown. But that ratio will still result in catastrophe.

And then we have outright smug while suicidal fools:
All of you are as clueless as she is when it comes to the rules of federalism. I distance myself from ignorance and tyranny and it is exactly what you need to do when confronted by both from this woman.
Supreme law of the land, moron. And yes, immigration is on the table.

I wonder how long it will take for the kneejerk objection from someone who never knew about this to conflate the Laws of Nations with "international law."

One thing's for sure-- whoever tries won't answer my challenge.

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