Friday, April 17, 2020

You Can't Stop the Signal

Galloway says the ATF has been tracking shipments of these devices from overseas but some are even being made right here in Southern California. [More]

Somebody want to settle Luke down?


Anonymous said...

More arcane evil knowledge: A Browning Hi-Power can be turned on with 2 pieces cut from a penny - can be dropped out of the gun immediately and leaves no permanent modification.
DISCLAIMER: I have never done it, and have never owned a BHP.
Harry Ballsack

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of that one, but I'm not surprised. A little bird told me that some of the 1980s MAC10 lookalikes from certain manufacturers could be made to go full auto with a nickel and a rubber band.

I don't know any of the details, of course, nor would I ever condone such an act.