Friday, May 29, 2020

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Is there such a thing as a left-wing authoritarian? [More]
National socialism, anyone...?

What's been going on for a long time is an Orwellian word game used to perpetuate a lie, since "conservative" is a relative term based on time, place, and situation (think "Loyalists" to the Crown at the time of the War of the Rebellion).

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Ho Che Min, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Ugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro.

And that's only right off the top of my head. Jeez, do I need a haircut!

Henry said...

You absolutely cannot read that article without losing IQ points.
"While right-wing authoritarians fanatically support authority figures in power, their left-wing cousins fanatically oppose them."
Castro? Stalin? Mao? "Beloved Leader Kim Jong Whichever?" You've got to be kidding me.
Good thing they're too pussified to offer a Comment section, or the British Isles would capsize.