Thursday, May 21, 2020

Causation Correlation

They created visualizations that tracked the movements up to 48 hours after the protests ended, and Jeremy Fair, executive vice president of VoteMap, told the newspaper that many of the cellphones reached the state borders and some even crossed them. [More]
Define "some."  And they had to opt-in?

In other words, the ones who crossed over were on Team "Progress" and were trying to create a headline impression for political purposes?

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Henry said...

No, it's probably people who have "opted into" continuous location reporting on apps like Uber, Google Maps, Find my iPhone, or the like. You will notice they didn't dare disclose what data aggregator was "nice enough" to let the lefties scrape their database.

It seems incredibly stupid for these people to cavil that a demonstration against a state governor drew demonstrators from all over the state. That's the way it should be; that is authentic grassroots disapproval. Claiming that "some" came from Indiana is weak tea, indeed. (How many is some? Four?)

The left routinely hires buses from other states and pays unemployed people to demonstrate for them. These people at least had the dignity to drive themselves and represent themselves.