Friday, June 26, 2020

Press Ignores Watts’ PR Role for Companies Linked to Weed Killer Cancer

Since Watts has an influential voice in shaping public policy through demanding gun laws, it’s fair to ask, in her executive capacity, what role she and those reporting to her played, if any, in promoting Monsanto’s products, and in reputation management/damage control efforts. Or is it more likely the Global Public and Corporate Affairs Director, whose media expertise would be needed to defend the company's image, was intentionally kept in the dark? [More]
It doesn’t matter if you or I question the charges. That’s not the point. The point is were Shannon Watts a prominent advocate for “conservative” causes, you’d best believe the media would be all over her about this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is she now or has she been or will she be paid by ET and/or MDM?

After all, no self-respecting professional liar would work without pay.