Friday, August 14, 2020

Missed It By That Much


I just became aware of this video, where a young white wannabe commie thug called a black man an "Uncle Tom" and found out serious personal consequences were about to follow. I was there, covering the Kent State "walk" for Firearms News, and at that scene, but left just a few minutes before this exchange. Talk about bad timing on my part.

I did manage to record a black female RKBA supporter being called a "house n..."

Curious how the DSM wants to paint communist rabble-rousers trying to start a race war as "anti-racist."

Back to the above video: The loud-mouthed fat broad was irritating, whiny, and shrill throughout, pretty confident nobody was going to give her a well-deserved smack in the chops. All I can say is she appears slated to reap the rewards of what she has put into her life. This does not appear to be a person with the capability to be happy, ever.

The telling thing, though, is the pussy Antifa beta when confronted one-on-one by a serious man. 

[H/T RS]


vintovka said...

I am still waiting for one of these Antifa batards to get a kinetic response from a cop or just a decent citizen. When it happens, I will celebrate.

Henry said...

And that goes double for their Karens.