Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Personality Profile

 Distinct psychological mix associated with mountain populations is consistent with the theory that harsh frontiers attracted certain personalities. [More]

Say, gang, I've got a swell idea! Let's call them racists and demand that they disarm!

[Via bondmen]


Anonymous said...

"Let's call them racists and demand that they disarm!"

A truly excellent plan! But before proceeding, a little light reading might acquaint folks with the intended subject group and their possible (likely?) reactions.



Those interested might want to pay close attention to one quirky characteristic:

"Some Patriots gave no quarter until the rebel officers re-established control over their men; they were said to be seeking revenge for alleged killings by Banastre Tarleton's militiamen at the Battle of Waxhaws, under the slogan "Remember Tarleton's Quarter." Although victorious, the Patriots had to retreat quickly from the area for fear of Cornwallis' advance. Later they executed nine Loyalist prisoners after a short trial."

They are patient folks who are slow to anger. But once in a fighting mood, very unforgiving of those who pushed them there.

Tread carefully around them!

Mack said...

In fact, the mountain folk are overwhelmingly Scots who settled there centuries ago.

They are fighters and are defiant of tyranny.

Where do you think St. Andrews Cross come from?