Friday, September 25, 2020

We're the Only Ones Standing at the Door and Knocking (Or Not) Enough

 The easiest way to present this is just to copy and paste the email:


I finally got was I was seeking: WHEN did the police 'knock' on the door (as they claim)?

Early in the morning when residents are likely asleep (approx. 12:40 AM).

  1. "The Legal Response to Breonna Taylor's Death Shows How Drug Prohibition Transforms Murder Into Self-Defense"
  2. "Breonna Taylor and the Moral Bankruptcy of Drug Prohibition"
  3. "Grand Jury Charges 1 Louisville Police Officer Involved in Breonna Taylor Shooting With 'Wanton Endangerment'"

Lesson: 'Knock and Announce' Search Warrants have to be served in the DAYTIME.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Radley Balko's take...

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