Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Cognitive Dissonance...It Burns!

 Pink's husband Carey Hart posts pics of their kids' gun lesson as he explains why he's voting for Joe Biden [More]

And the idiot says "they don't want to take your guns."

[Via Jess]


Ed said...

I read the article by Design Mom and most of the comments, but one in response to reader's demand that she remove a comment sticks out:


Yes. Deleted. And my apologies. We were driving back from San Diego today and I was trying to keep up with comments but did a poor job of it. I just went through and got rid of most of the ones from random men who don’t actually read here ever, and clearly didn’t read the blog post. I kept a few where Design Mom readers had responded, but hopefully the worst stuff is gone.

I normally don’t need to monitor the comments this closely, but I’m guessing this post was shared somewhere my posts aren’t usually shared, and it’s bringing out a lot of people that shouldn’t be commenting here. Again, sorry about that."

My! How sexist! Just as much she has the opinion that voters will revoke the 2nd Amendment, I suggest that based on her emotion-based arguments, we revoke the 19th Amendment. Seems reasonable, and safer.

David Codrea said...

Not seeing what this comment is in response to...