Monday, October 05, 2020

You Need a Hidden Camera for This?

 @CaptMarkKelly deceives AZ voters on true gun agenda ... “I don’t think he’s fully been out there saying like 'I want a full gun control type measure" ... “Trying to be elected...then he’ll implement the (gun)measures” [More]

This is my shocked face.

If Project Veritas has hired Captain Obvious to go undercover, I hope he at least takes the hat and red jacket off.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

UPDATE: Houston, we have a problem:

Here's Why Three Astronauts Have Endorsed McSally and not Mark Kelly

[Via Michael G]


Henry said...

What's insulting is why McSally is not making an issue of this. It's like she's embarrassed to have gun owners for a constituency.

Henry said...

If McSally hadn't selected McCain's old ad agency, she might even make an issue of this. Well, maybe.