Monday, February 01, 2021

Flesh That Part Out for Us

Our priority as citizens must be to stop him [More]

How, when you won't even admit, let alone do anything about, the greatest threat to "legal" recognition of the right to keep and bear arms, support those enabling it, and dismiss 2A relevance with a bullshit "single issue" deflection?

Lawsuits are reactive and will become increasingly problematic. What kind of federal judges will be appointed once Biden's superhighway to citizenship has made Democrat dominance unchallengeable?

1 comment:

DDS said...

Let me just throw out a quick rhetorical question.

Suppose POTUS #46 gets a new improved federal AWB passed and 80% (or more) of America's gun owners just ignore it?

I mean, California, Maryland, New York and Connecticut seem to be examples pointing that way!