Friday, May 14, 2021

Not Democrat Enough

Perhaps they should consider how badly out of step his views are with those of the Virginia voters who elected a Democratic legislature, Democratic governor and two Democratic U.S. senators.  [More]

So it's "conservative" Jennifer Rubin's contention that this guy is too extreme, and the only acceptable Republicans are Democrats?

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

"So it's 'conservative' Jennifer Rubin's contention that this guy is too extreme, and the only acceptable Republicans are Democrats?"

Well, anyone who accepts "meaningful" gun legislation.

To reduce violence, you see.

To her, anyone else is extreme.

Kind of like Harold.

Anonymous said...

Virginia has become yet another state where a highly concentrated blue "tail" wags the entire "red" dog.

Illinois has Chicago.

New York has New York City.

Virginia has the southern DC suburbs.