Thursday, May 20, 2021

Quid Pro Joe

 EXCLUSIVE: Former FBI director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden's grandchildren and spoke with the then vice president in 2016 'to explore lucrative future work options' with Hunter as the middle man [More]

You want to play you have to ante in...

Funny, what it takes to get a seat at the table...

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

It is a big club, and we're not in it.

Freeh puts up earnest money for a future deal and profit.

Freeh acts as an unregistered foreign agent.

Not mentioned is 'who is/was the trustee of this slush fund'?

Why do I learn this from a foreign source?

Not one of these sleazebags will see justice.

Anonymous said...

A little bit off topic for this blog, but paraphrasing Dudley Moore's "Arthur" character, "That was back when $100,000 was considered to be quite a large sum of money."

So here's a little math word problem. I know you all hated math word problems, but bear with me for a moment. At the Federal Reserve's current target of 2% inflation, how long will it be before we're all wiping our behinds on George Washington's face because toilet paper cost more than $1.00 per sheet?