Friday, May 28, 2021

We're the Only Ones Unsupportive Enough

Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo stressed Tuesday that police departments across the nation do not support a Texas gun bill that would allow adults to carry a handgun without having a background check, license and training. “From chiefs to sheriffs to police labor, we do not support permit-less, open carry” measures, said Acevedo, the former Houston Police chief. [More]

This surprises who...?

Speaking of the bill, an email sent out yesterday by Texas Gun Rights said:

What's the damn holdup? What's more important than unalienable rights?

[Via Lane]

UPDATE: And what is "laughable, insane [and] dangerous" are statists disguised as "moderates" who begin their anti-gun diatribes with "I'm a gun owner..."

I'll need to look into this "Party Over Country" nonsense when I get some time. I'm getting a definite "Lincoln Club" vibe that they attract useful idiots who have no idea what the communists want to do to them once they are designated as useless eaters.

[Via Remarks]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I'm a gun owner..."

Let me guess. Is that followed by a "Big But"?