Friday, August 27, 2021

The NBC Cleanup Crew

 “It was impossible for me to see what was on the other side,” he said ...  I believe I showed the utmost courage ... [More]

So much for "Be sure of your target."

So much for courage.

I wonder if the media would be so sympathetic to a white cop explaining the same scenario in his decision to shoot a BLM protestor breaking into a building.

No, I don't.


Mack said...

David, an important question!

As an expert in 'Star Trek' episodes, I wonder: are you an expert in DS9?

If so, you might find this Highly relevant - and it was just shown on BBC America:

I watched it again with fresh eyes -- oh boy.

Mack said...

As I mentioned yesterday, I watched Tucker Carlson show this and then asked Aaron Babbitt what he thought, along with his attorney.

Here see and listen for yourself:

Also, Newsmax: