Wednesday, September 29, 2021

We're the Only Ones Legally Advising Enough

As an extensive, ground and air manhunt for the suspect — identified as Patrick Rene McDowell — continued, Leeper compared McDowell to a rabid animal. The sheriff advised residents to "blow him out the door" should he break into their homes. [More]

What if they're "prohibited persons"?

[Via bondmen]


Ed said...

McDowell arrested after experiencing what it is like to be a chew toy:

Henry said...

"...the Jacksonville SWAT had him surrounded... He came out of the bathrooms and got down on the ground and crawled, crawled like a baby, like the coward he is," Leeper said."
Sez the bully in SWAT armor and "patrol rifles" about his unarmed, barely-dressed prey.