Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Bari Head in Sand

 To admit that the media mainly got the Rittenhouse case wrong says nothing about if he should've been on the streets that night. (He shouldn't have.) Or open carry. (I'm opposed.) Or if teens should be allowed semiautomatic rifles. (How is this legal?) [More]

Interesting header, Bari...

Speaking of teenagers with guns not being legal...


Anonymous said...

"Speaking of teenagers with guns not being legal..."

One can only wonder if Uncle Sam's Misguided Children are aware of that.

Henry said...

I wonder how Bari feels about the law that forbids teens from carrying handguns? I'll bet she's in favor!
Well now, then how do you conceal a long gun? You don't.
"Common sense" guns laws have surprising consequences. That's why you use the wisdom of people with actual experience, not the "common sense" of every "ignorant slut."