Tuesday, November 09, 2021

For the Record

 The procurement of these records by the ATF comes as the Biden administration moves to alter current laws to ensure that gun records are stored in perpetuity. Currently, gun shops can destroy their records after 20 years, thereby preventing the ATF from accessing the information in the future. [More]

I should have emphasized this point yesterday.

And, of course, they complain about not being able to handle what they have now. The better to demand a "universal" registration database...

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell me again how the 'laws' barring a fed data base work?

And tell me that this isn't the icing on the cake after surreptitious collection (also barred by 'law') of every name run thru NICS since 199?

The silence of the '2A Defenders' is deafening.