Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Ability Disenfranchises?

Your anger at the SATs is actually anger at broader social conditions which the SATs reveal. None of the arguments against the SAT are correct, or even internally coherent.  Essays, too, are income stratified - because affluent kids actually are better prepared.  Grades (and all other educational data) are race and income stratified too, because those gaps in preparedness are real, so what the f*** are we even talking about here.  Educational testing is in fact remarkably valid, reliable, and predictive.  Why eventually ability reigns. [More]
Even us lowly public university graduates who held jobs through school can understand that.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the little throw away line about Eloi over Morlocks.

Because if/when TSHTF, TEOLAWKI, Ragnarok, whatever comes to pass, when what matters is not what hedge fund you managed, but rather whether you can grow enough food to feed yourself and keep someone else from stealing it, you know what happens then, Snowflake?

The Morlocks eat the Eloi.