Monday, December 20, 2021

I've Got You Under My Skin

 In December 2019, Robert S. Langer and his team developed and patented a technique whereby transdermal patches could be used to label people with invisible ink to store medical and other information subcutaneously – under the skin. The research "was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research." [More]

Pay particular attention to "and other information." The masters want all kinds of ways to account for their chattel.

I haven't been this excited since Tommy Thompson was in the chips.

Hey, it beats laser etching a QR code on your lower lip. And the opportunities for coercing compliance are boundless.

Brought to you by economic fascis... uh ... public/private partnerships.

And... from WarOn Guns Correspondent Michael G comes this bit of Revelation:

Video Of Swedish Company’s Covid Passport Microchips, Implanted In Hands, Goes Viral

It's like they're not even trying to hide who what they work for anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm mildly astonished that they merely want to microchip us like their pets instead of putting bar code tattoos on our foreheads. Maybe that will be the next step.