Thursday, December 09, 2021

The Libertarian Stance on Cultural Suicide

The Libertarian Stance on 'Gun Control': A Beginner’s Guide [More]

Here's all I need to know:

I will work with Congress to repeal arbitrary quotas on the number of people who can legally enter the United States to work, visit, or reside and to comprehensively reform the immigration process, shorten waiting times, and expand visas. We should provide a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented persons already in the United States. If people want to immigrate to the United States and contribute to our country, they should be able to, and there should be no hurdles standing in their way.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

I'm still waiting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Libertarian Party started going to complete crap in 2008 after they picked Bob Barr for Presidential candidate and has been hijacked by people whose single issue seems to be with legalizing weed.

Long gone are the days when the LP had real libertarians like Ron Paul, Richard Bodie and Harry Browne who were replaced with the likes of Gary Johnson, John McAfee and now Jo Jorgensen.

As for the immigration issue, the original libertarian stance was for open immigration, BUT only if first there was the total elimination of the welfare state. In other words,if you wanted to move to the U.S., you had to provide for yourself and your family- no government handouts. Notice how this part is completely absent from Jorgensen's website.

Many of the old school libertarians (i.e. lowercase "l' libertarian), like myself, stopped associating with the LP because of idiocracy that has hijacked the party.