Thursday, February 10, 2022

Blast from the Past

 Donna Quichotta: Armatix is ​​bankrupt... [More]

Down but evidently not out after restructuring... except what's this Jan. 13 "liquidation"?

I just was sent the quote link from a 2015 post and the liquidation link (they're in German, so to read it in English you'll need to translate the pages). I did a lot of Armatix reporting back in the day, much of it following the exceptional investigative work by journalist  Katja Triebel. Note since is no more, the links to my stuff are only available through the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine.

What I find curious is, from the time of my first post on "smart guns" until my most recent, nothing really has changed in terms of objections: They raise the price, they interfere with the primary function, they're unreliable, and politicians want to exploit them to advance citizen disarmament.

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