Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A Gun Owner, a Hunter and a Proud Democrat

 Sen. Contreras started out by explaining that he is a gun owner, a hunter and a proud Democrat. He then stated he does not feel the need to carry a gun and that he doesn’t “walk around, run around and drive around worried about somebody’s going to shoot me, somebody’s going to hurt me, or whatever.” As if being assaulted is tantamount to “whatever”. Contreras proceeded to ask, “Why even walk around at that point? Stay at home behind closed doors.” [More]

There are some who counsel that just owning a gun is a basis for a common ground alliance.

Listen to them at all our peril.

[H/T Dave Workman]


Henry said...

"Sen. Contreras ... then stated he does not feel the need to carry a gun"
Nothing shows wisdom more surely than publicly and proudly announcing how soft a target you are.

LargeMarge said...

Visiting the occasional yard-sale, we usually ask about sporting goods -- fishing, archery, 'how about ammunition or reloading equipment?'.
Often, some snoot responds "Oh, we are a gun-free home!" or similar blather.
We turn to each other, and say -- loudly so the victim clearly understands -- "No guns... add this place to the list for looting and pillage!"
[for demonstration purposes; no looting intended, ever, at all]