Monday, April 04, 2022

What If You Presented a Solution and Nobody Cared?

 This is how the Senate Judiciary Committee could block Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court from reaching the Senate floor. [More]


So why are our "gun rights leaders" at NRA, GOA, and SAF (not to mention the overwhelming majority of "Second Amendment writers") deliberately ignoring this? And don't tell me it's because they don't know.


Anonymous said...

There is no impetus to block the sock puppet.

Rather the Rs would send her to the floor and then, absolutely ineffectually vote 'nay' to toss that kibble & bits to the slavering dogs who will send them back to the hive of scum and villainy for another lucrative term.

Bring it on, let's just end the charade.

Anonymous said...

Suppose someone came out with a drug that cured all forms of cancer and only required on oral dose that cost $1.50.

Do you think Big Pharma would care?

You bet your a$$ets they would care.

Suppose SCOTUS used the current NYSRPA v Bruen case as an opportunity to declare most if not all current "common sense gun safety" laws to be null and void.

Do you think Wayne LaPierre would care? Do you have any idea what those suits cost? Do you think that young lady intern was the only "Sugar Baby" he was involved with? Do you have any idea how much they cost?