Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Absolutism 301; Felons

[I]f a person cannot be trusted with arms, he cannot be trusted in society. Any law that attempts to make exceptions to that, especially if based upon prior restraint, is not a good law in principle or practice.

If a person walks among us freely, then he should be able to defend his life from unjustified attack. If we deem him unsafe to defend himself then we should not release him into society.
I couldn't agree more.

1 comment:

E. David Quammen said...

David C., in his article "The Gun Nut in Chief", (that he linked to in this post), said;

"She is his wife- the person closest to him in the world and the one who not only knows him best, but who is in a unique position to observe and assess his..."

I'd have to argue with you on that statement, David... I contend that Monica Lewinsky was far closer to him. And not only that. But, it was Monica, who had the most 'unique position to observe and assess his...'xxxx...'in the world'!
Let's get the facts right, OK?