Friday, December 15, 2006

The Stéphane Solution

The tragic shooting at Dawson College should convince the Conservative government to acknowledge the necessity for effective gun control in Canada, said Stéphane Dion, Leader of the Liberal Official Opposition, today.
Ok, Stéphane, here's a test.

Kimveer Gill has just pulled a gun and is shooting your family.

Just what the hell are you prepared to do about it--besides shriek, wet yourself, run away or hide?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my fave quote: "...while respecting the right of legitimate gun users, such as hunters..."

Which begs the question, Stephie: Is self-defense illegitimate in Canada?

I started to say "Boy, Canada sure is F'd up!" but then I remembered that we have people in our own country who think the same way.