Friday, April 27, 2007

The Bill Brown Runaround

From Larry Rankin via email to NRAHQ:
Just so you know Ed Worley has been contacted about this issue many times, by many people in and out of Santa Barbara. Ed has not responded to one person! Many have called his office three times. Also your Fairfax office has been contacted by many of the same people, because Ed has not returned their calls. NRA's Ed. I have a friend who called Ed at least three time and ended up calling Fairfax--he would not take "call Sacramento" as an answer. After going through four or five people, he found someone that listened and even said they will contact me. He gave them all of my information. I was wise enough not to hold my breath! That was well over three weeks ago.
Sounds like the same thing that happened to me when I first began writing about this. I called NRA HQ, was referred to Sacramento and they referred me to NRA's "Media Office." They're counting on not enough members giving a damn about giving undeserved "A" ratings and endorsements, and I suspect they're probably right--which essentially gives them a green light to continue the practice.

[More on Sheriff Bill Brown]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So ... who does Ed answer to?