Friday, April 27, 2007

A Beautiful Thing

"Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away. Unfortunately, you can't do that so you hope that good people in the world have them to protect the people who can't protect themselves," he says.

"Certainly, I haven't used a gun anywhere other than on a movie set and I'd like to see if we could take them all away. It would be a beautiful thing."
Of course it would be, Pokey Poke. Then apes with sticks could rule the planet.

Correspondent Red Dot brought up the Pokester's troubled past with an instructor at Front Sight, and was told "all the troubles Pokey Poke had experienced were while a juvenile and thus sealed and inapplicable. And the 'internet rumors' were wrong."

Not according to the Suffolk County Clerk's Office for Criminal Business:
Has Mr. Wahlberg's record been expunged?

The answer was "No, it is public record."

Was defendant Wahlberg sentenced as a juvenile or as an adult?

"He was tried as an adult."
I guess I'm going to need to start digging around again, and see if anything has changed since I spoke with them six years ago.

[Via 45superman]


Anonymous said...

I saw a Front Sight background check document years ago.

Seems like one needed a letter from the local Sheriff and a statement under pain of perjury that one wasn't a convicted felon before being able to train at Front Sight. So how did Pokey get accepted at the school?

While the esteemed founder of Front Sight may be a 2nd Amendment supporter, it looks like the almighty dollar had more weight in this case - that is, taking Pokey's money while knowing that he's and enemy of the Bill of Rights.

In the meantime, the BATFU is prosecuting everyone but Hollywierd felon celebs who make millions glorifying violence with guns.

AlanDP said...

FYI: He's going to be in another "gun movie" called Max Payne, based on some computer game. I don't have a link.