Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Church/State Separation Group Pfollowing Up on Pfleger

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've forwarded your e-mail to the staffer who handles these claims with a note to follow up immediately.

Armed and Safe shows that Americans United for Separation of Church and State has all the evidence they need to apply the same standards to Snuffy Pfleger that they do to anti-Mormon evangelists--if they want to.

This is going to fade away unless the pressure gets turned up--if you would like to see Pfleger's use of his 501(c)(3) to stump for specific citizen disarmament legislation investigated, please take a moment--right now--to email and ask them if they intend to follow their stated principles, or if they only go after "traditional values" targets and leave the left-leaning ones alone.


Anonymous said...

Interstinly enough that is the exact same response they sent to me, word for word. But I am sure that "the staffer who handles these claims" will certainly "follow up immediately."

David Codrea said...

Bruce, it wouldn't hurt for you, Kurt, and anyone else who got a reply to email them back and ask 'em how long they think it will take--seeing as how they jumped on the evangelist right away, how much more time do they need?

Also, any chance of KABA/SAF pursuing the 501c3 angle?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...


Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I could trouble you with another question--can you predict any kind of timetable for action on this situation? I could not help but notice in this article that it took less than three weeks before AUSCS sent a letter to the IRS about Bill Keller's anti-Romney statements.

Thank you,
Kurt Hofmann