Sunday, January 06, 2008

Rasmussen Reports Ron Tied for Third in NH

And Faux News won't include him in tonight's debate why again...?

We know this is immoral. I'm wondering if it's legal...


TheBronze said...

Because he's a f*cking loon, that's why.

And anyone that supports him is a loon, too.

Anonymous said...

I guess by your statement that you support the increasing police state in which we are living. Why are you on this site then? Is it to learn about opposing viewpoints? If so, then why post such an antagonistic opinion which is totally without merit?

Stan said...

So all of the sudden when political campaigns are involved, property rights, free speech are somehow inferior to equal time of candidates.

Fox may be morally in the wrong, but you of all people surprise me, questioning its legality without further comment.

David Codrea said...

Bronze--thanks so much for adding intelligence to the debate. Speaking of loons, you're the guy who wrote me and asked me to remove you from my blogroll because you didn't want to be associated with a website that appeared "anti law enforcement"--great--an "Only One" statist gungrabber from Sacramento calling Constitutionalists loons. Newsflash: the link was only there as a courtesy to reciprocate your putting WarOnGuns up first. And if you don't want to be associated, then don't be. Get lost.

Stan--I don't make the FEC rules, but as long as they're in play and everyone must abide by them, how is the expense of the debate not an in kind contribution to the other candidates in re publicity for their preferred candidates? It's not an editorial or entertainment program, it is news, or at least it is postured to be. Fox is a for-profit corporation relying on public airwaves for satellite transmissions and deals with cable companies contracting with municipalities for cable exclusivity. And they're using the inordinate power that privilege affords them to manipulate federal election results. That's the issue.

With that as background, I merely asked a question. Whether it's the way things should be is another debate.

me said...

anyone surprised at his comments?

someone working security for a garbage dump or sewage treatment plant uses a photo of an evil alien that bears the phrase " to punish and enslave"

Makes me want to go grease some fault lines and hope I can watch him sail off towards a more appropriate country...China.

Anonymous said...


You're right. I won't make the mistake of reading your blog again.

BTW, don't look under your bed, there's bound to be a conspiracy there.

You are a bunch of loons...

Kent McManigal said...

"People" like thebronze are the reason that thinking people are no longer under the mistaken impression that cops are anything other than the enforcement arm of the police-state/tyranny that is killing America. He and his ilk are traitors, pure and simple.

Anonymous said...

What Kent said.