Sunday, January 06, 2008

CeaseFire PA Director's Watch: 01/06/08

Well, it's Sunday morning. They're probably all in church. You know, those places that host "gun buybacks," where the ministers advise their flocks to "snuff out" people with different ideologies...


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Maybe they're aiming for forty days and forty nights?

Yuri Orlov said...

Maybe they've all been meditating, or trying to communicate with the alien mothership?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the God Not Guns garbage.

I stand behind my comments on the Gun buyback post.

On their page they have a link to a page of "20 Things you and your congregation can do to prevent gun violence"

Strange, no mention of God on that page. Only item 4 mentions reading the Bible, and that in a very shallow way. No mention of the Gospel. No mention of how it is that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ can actually change lives. The list could go on.

In short, any church that participates in this is not doing what the Scripture commands them to do. Rather, they exist as a feel good, salve the conscience, check off my square for the week, social club.