Friday, February 15, 2008

Endangering Lives One Bullet at a Time

The 2008 Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition Accountability Act is being introduced across the country.
This is like watching cancer metastasize.

If you live in a red state and haven't done anything to fight this, what in tarnation are you waiting for?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]


me said...

"Bullet Identification Technology: A modern crime fighting tool"

liar liar! It FIGHTS no crime. It may in some slim number of cases help in SOLVING a crime, but of course criminals have no worries. If they're going to KILL someone do you think they'll leave a trail back to themselves, or even care if they did?

And of course, it can be defeated with a large sock over the ejection port, or a trip to a public range to pick up a handful of brass and some cast lead bullets.

Ammo folks, refuse to sell to the .gov and ignore the "incentives" they'll offer you (read bribes to abuse the everyday joe)to go along with their plans.

chris horton said...

I've now sent multiple letters to my Legislature Reps on this and other issues, and will continue to do so.

However,these Gov't staffers must all be idiots. All they reply with are pre-written forms with a blank for my name.

Can't expect much though when Casey and Specter are the goons that swoon. Despicable as they are.

Jerry The Geek said...

Thanks for your link to Ammunition Accountability dot org.

I've been writing about this disturbing trend for two weeks on Cogito Ergo Geek, and I've been searching for new state bills which are introduced to require 'encoded ammunition'. The links you provide here have greatly simplified my self-assigned job.

At least two of the bills have, as of this date, been 'sent to committee' and the committee chairman has voiced his intention to allow them to languish there.

That doesn't define them as 'dead' ... people can change their minds ... but it at least demonstrates that some state legislators have recognized them as 'nuisance' bills and are determined not to waste the time of the legislature attempting to forward bills which are inimical to their constituents.

I'm distressed by this concerted back-door attack on the Second Amendment, but I hold some hope that all states will eventually consign these bills to the purgatory which their sponsors so richly deserve.

Anonymous said...

YOW! First I've heard of it. Believe me, David. I'll be all over this one like an adjectivally-enhanced generalization on an item that preconceptualizes the aforementioned subject group.

Anonymous said...

OK, I take that back. When I was e-mailing some of my friends, I got a reply (including my original e-mail)that reminded me I had already spread the word on this some time last month.

You know what they say about the memory being the first to go...

Still, if I forgot about it, I can bet the powers that be in Indiana have, too. Time to send them a follow-up.

Anonymous said...

Then again, there is!