Sunday, June 08, 2008

Competing Interests

In a recent speech to the National Rifle Assn., McCain portrayed himself as a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. But his past statements show that he thinks that some NRA positions "actually threaten the interests of law enforcement," said Dennis Henigan, legal director of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. "He was conspicuously silent on those when he spoke to the gun lobby."

We don't really want to look too closely at that, and what it implies, do we?

It might compete with our interests in reassuring ourselves via rationalizations.


Anonymous said...

It scares the hell out of me that most gun rights advocates trust the NRA for ALL their political information, and the NRA trusts McCain.

Kent McManigal said...

This is why we must never fall into the trap of relying on the Second Amendment, just as David has tried to explain before. Written rules can be altered or ignored; human rights can only be respected or violated. You have a right to own and to carry any type of weapon wherever you go without asking anyone's permission, ever. Never let anyone trick you into saying your rights come from a piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

It implies we're gona get rode hard and put away wet, and that's if we are 'lucky' enough to get McCain.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we're (probably) going to get a good decision in Heller.

If not, then we would be toast no matter who we elected President, even Ron Paul.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Oh, don't be mean--McCain can't be that bad--I mean, at least he would never consider picking Bloomberg as his running mate.
