Sunday, June 08, 2008

Coming Out of the Gun Safe

Called "open carry" by its supporters, the movement has attracted grandparents, graduate students and lifelong gun enthusiasts like the Jensens...

...Police acknowledge the practice is legal, but some say it makes their lives tougher.
Yeah, jobs can be tough. That's why they're called jobs.

Considering the source, this article was surprisingly balance, but I actually found some of the comments more interesting than the article--in terms of revealing ignorant leftist hatred and bigotry against gun owners.

So much for tolerance and diversity.

As I wrote before:
I also belong to a group that is forced by social prejudices to keep a low profile--often times to hide my choices and practices lest I suffer disapproval and ultimately, life-threatening persecution by the state.

I am a gun owner and I live a gun owner life style.

I don't know if I was born with a tendency to be this way, or if it was an acquired disposition. All I know is, I don't see why I should be forced to change. Truth be known, I like owning guns, and am happy with who I am. I hope I suffer no repercussions by "coming out of the safe," but I just can't hide the truth any longer.

We gun owners have been living and working among you. Our kids go to school with yours. We may be your doctor, or minister, or your child's teacher. We may even work in city administration, or the courts, or on the police force. And we are sick of being abused for simply being who we are, all because of hoplophobic prejudice and fear. We don't see any reason why we should have to put up with it any more.
You'd think the gunbashers would grok that.

[Via Plug Nickel Times and Jeffersonian]


Kent McManigal said...

"...Police acknowledge the practice is legal, but some say it makes their lives tougher." Then maybe they should consider getting an honest job.

The_Chef said...

I know a few really good cops. Most of them of an older generation that are more than willing to have a populace that defends itself.

However, the practice of open-carrying only makes the officers lives more difficult if the populace is full of sheep. I wouldn't think twice if I saw someone open carrying. Well maybe I would, I'd think about walking over and thanking them.
Get informed.

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing that shit, but no one ever says HOW it makes a cops job tougher? HOW???

It's tougher to know who is carrying when he carries it openly? It's tougher tell the good guys from the bad guys because the bad guys let cops know they are carrying concealed and illegally? Or is it just tougher to administer street justice at their whim?

You know which one I'm betting on, don't you?

Nobody needs another to be helpless or unarmed unless he plans harm to that person.

Anonymous said...

It's not OUR job to make THEIR job easier. It's OUR job to make sure we stay alive.
I guess the tough part is all the baseless calls from comrades upset at seeing people who know their rights and live like they're REAL, not a historical oddity. Although some cops can make a day of one of those calls. I guess that's the Jackboot Jealousy talking. They had to go through the academy and everything before THEY got a gun. Nobody told them about rights or anything. STILL HAVEN'T.

Anonymous said...

A letter from a Canadian to OCDO.
