Tuesday, September 09, 2008

As the Wolves Howl in the Distance

With the site of a gunman's murderous rampage as a backdrop, Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion promised to strengthen gun laws to ensure that military assault weapons are banned.

"A new Liberal government will make our cities, our communities, and our schools safer by getting military assault weapons off our streets," Dion said at an event at Dawson College in Montreal.
I can just hear all the sheep bleating "Dis-a-a-a-arm us! Dis-a-a-a-arm us!" followed in the not-too-distant future by a panicked "LA-A-A-AMBERT!"

Let us not forget though, there are still some lions in the north deserving of our respect and support.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, if I had known my SEMI-auto AR-15 was a true "military assault weapon," I wouldn't have thought I was paying too much for it.
Gee, full-auto versions run $3,000 and up, plus tax and loss of your privacy. What are THEY, Dion, alien technology?

jon said...

isn't a knife also a military assault weapon? i hope they ban those, too.

Unknown said...

Aren't hands a military assault weapon? I hope they ban hands as well. And tanks are also military assault weapons. Come to think of it, anything someone in the military uses to assault another person is a military assault weapon. Maybe they will ban the world.