Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Leading Enabler

So this week another Philadelphia police officer was murdered — again by a parolee with a history of violence — and again the Philadelphia Daily News blames guns...
And, of course, they're also the ones predicting "a full-fledged race and class war" if The Lightworker fails in his quest for power...

[Ea]sy access to guns has become the leading enabler of such cold-blooded murders.
And yet we learn:
Nowhere does the Daily News editorial acknowledge that the police officer was killed by a parolee with a history of violence.
It's telling how a leading enabler of all that's wrong in Philadelphia makes that accusation about guns. It's called projection. And misdirection.

[Via Mack H]


Here's more on the killer.

Here's another panty-wringing editorial. Mike Vanderboegh got a comment posted, and I just submitted one but don't see it up yet.


Anonymous said...

The thesis and antithesis are coming together to produce the synthesis. Keep the worst in society, they do bad things, often with guns, rationalize removing the GUNS from society.
That would free up a lot of Tyrant Time now spent on violating noncriminal citizen rights ONLY UP TO A POINT. The point at which one would not be re-elected. No longer an issue. Look at Marion Barry of DC, Nagin of New Orleans, and lots of other amoral officials people LOVE.
The point at which one would be impeached by one's peers or opposition. We saw how THAT turns out. Rabid loyalty to party brought all kinds of gyrations and contortions to keep the First Felon in office for two full terms.
The Powers That Be know the rest of us are out here somewhere with our knowledge of what is right and our waning patience. That's why the hurry to get rid of those nasty legally-sold guns.

Ken said...

Yours is up, David. So is mine (reproduced here):

Dear Mr. Fischer:

No one should ever advocate anything unless he has thought through all the ramifications with some care. Of course, given that you don't even seem able to think through the immediate ramifications of your position, to wit:

"I'm not as naive as to think that even with the strictest gun control laws; criminals will not still find a way to get a hold of a gun. Even if strict gun control laws were to be passed today it would be years, perhaps decades, before the number of guns on the street would diminish. Yet, it has to start somewhere."

I suppose it does, indeed, have to start somewhere.

The question is, just what is it you intend to start? The noted philosopher Inigo Montoya has a saying that can be adapted to this situation: "You keep on using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."

So, let us say that by some sequence of events you achieve your immediate objective: a ban on semiautomatic weapons. Now, there are people who will not take kindly to being declared criminals with the stroke of a pen, and will choose not to comply with a malum prohibitum that is unconstitutional into the bargain.

Okay, now what? I suppose you'll want them confiscated. Judging from the tone of your writing, you won't be going door to door yourself to say "That's it, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em in." No, you'll send bully-boy hirelings to do the job you won't do.

Now suppose — just suppose — it turns out that they're not up to the job.

When you talk about things having to start somewhere, you are obliged to think long and hard what you are about to start. You may not be starting what you think you're starting.

I will not disarm.

Kenneth David Hall
Fairview Park, OH


Anonymous said...

Fischer is getting hammered. Not a single supporting comment, yet.

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...


I read the article your comment pointed to. As they now admit: "He was just evil." Usually, they like to say that THINGS are evil, like guns, and criminals are merely misguided or ill. Later I saw the following:

"South Carolina"

"Straw purchase"

Oh my. Blaming The South on gun trafficking and "easy" guns. Well that didn't take long.