Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Navigating the Maze

Residents here who buy a gun to keep legally at home, now that the Supreme Court has overturned the city’s ban on handguns, will find that a bureaucratic maze leads them to an unmarked door on Good Hope Road Southeast where Charles W. Sykes Jr. does business.
While the ones who buy guns to keep and bear illegally will find a maze of alleys that lead them to any number of unmarked doors--where all they'll need is cash in hand.

And thing is, Sykes ain't the "Only One"...

Still, were I him, I'd be worried--all he needs is a few paperwork errors to have BATFU declare them "willful violations" and shut him down, along with the entire city.

I wonder if that's what everybody means by "reasonable restrictions"... ?

[Via Zachary G]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Sykes, meanwhile, is counseling patience. “You’ve waited for 33 years,” he said. “What is another month or two?”"

No biggy, unless your time is up, before that time is up.

I meet people that say, "I haven't needed a gun my entire life, so I don't think I ever will." And/or, "I have never had a violent encounter, so I don't think I ever will."

Bend over, find sand, plant head.