Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Your Polling Place

Who will you vote for in the 2008 Presidential Election?

KeepAndBearArms.com wants to know.

Click on the title link, scroll down and take the poll in the left sidebar.


SamenoKami said...

I voted None of the Above. I don't like to be a one-issue voter but the RTKBA is too fundamental and interlocked with my ability to partake of the other rights. McCain is better than Obama by lightyears, but I've had that bad taste of voting for the lesser of 2 evils for too long and getting nothing in return. Don't forget that (from another WoG post) Nixon gave us OSHA and the EPA. We can get that kind of crap from liberals.
I'm protest voting this year.

Anonymous said...

KABA can bite me because they have wasted my time and many others by the screwed up program that will not allow posts to post.
They know they have a problem and its not been fixed. I don't bother wasting my time to go to their site now days and know many who are just as feed up.
Too bad a real shame.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Chuck Baldwin on there? I'm shocked that the people who run that site would keep him out of it.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Baldwin. Ron Paul. The best candidates no one ever was allowed to hear of.
Right now, out of 1,235 votes, 84% are for McCain. Obamaphobia. They want to keep him out rather than put the best person in.
I read that Nader has finally gotten enough signatures to be on the ballot in my state. What has he done lately? Haven't heard. But people remember him from his enviro days. People associate "Libertarian" with -- and you have to preface his name with the obligatory "political extremist" -- Lyndon Larouche. Some financial scandal about 25 years ago, but that's what people remember. Bob Barr? Wasn't he a game show host? Ron Paul. Two first names; sounds kinda pretentious. Chuck Baldwin? Seems I remember his Apollo something mission to the moon.

Such are the minds of the Jaywalk All-Stars two months before maybe our second-most-important election. The first was George Washington's, because there WAS one. He was offered the office of king and turned it down. Today? Ha.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my polling place? Last time I went in there, one of the election officers ORDERED a voter to either turn her phone off or take it outside. She was in the act of turning it off and it was playing the shut-down tones when he pounced. I had to get out of line and out of the building or there would have been an incident.
Maybe if they didn't put the sign ON the door so if someone holds the door open for you, the sign isn't visible...
That would be a sign of intelligence.
Certainly some cell phone users are rude and thoughtles, but when a public official is BELLIGERENT because he thinks someone is...
... will he be elected county supervisor?

I wrote the registrar, who supervises officers of election. No response, and it's been a month.
Just doin' his job, I'm sure. Heinrich.

Anonymous said...

Baldwin wasn't the Only One left off the list.