Thursday, October 09, 2008

We're the Only Ones Misusing Enough

A Zanesville city corrections officer faces a misdemeanor charge of improperly handling a weapon in a motor vehicle...

Investigating deputies said they found a loaded .45-caliber pistol behind the driver's seat underneath a piece of paper. One spent cartridge was located on the front floor of the driver's side seat....
Let's see, drinking, crashing, fleeing the scene, trying to think up an elaborate lie about the car being stolen---and no, I have no idea how that shell got there or how the acci9dent happened. And oh, yeah--a deer made me swerve.

Sounds like a great proto-"Only One" you've raised there, Chief. Can't wait for him to start filling out police reports and testifying against defendants...

1 comment:

GunRights4US said...

A freaking misdemeanor!!!! Are you shitting me?

If that had been the son of any NON-Only One, they would have locked him up!

This is just one more reason why: III