Police have begun an internal investigation of a weekend confrontation between police and members of a wedding party that led to the arrest of Astros pitcher Brandon Backe.I always cry at weddings. Especially with my eyes full of Oleoresin Capsicum.
Witnesses said Monday that police needlessly beat, Tasered and pepper-sprayed wedding guests who were trying to comply with police commands during an incident in which officers arrested 10 people, including Backe, at an outdoor bar at the San Luis Hotel on Seawall Boulevard.
Here's the light bulb-going-on moment:
"You will feel the most helpless, humiliated, betrayed, that you will ever feel."Bingo. And doesn't that sound like a great slogan for another "Only Ones" commemorative t-shirt?
[Via Jeffersonian]
Looks like deer season needs to be replaced with police season.
Thin the herds for their health.
If they can't make the INTELLIGENT decision: Open container of alcohol slightly outside the designated area vs. causing a riot, putting wedding guests in the hospital...shoving pregnant women... stepping on someone's HEAD to shut him up...
Whatever happens to them, they deserve.
I guess they needed a little stress relief after dealing with that hurricane, huh.
I would have assaulted an officer, too. With everything I had. I always have SOMETHING.
I am a very bad bystander.
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