Monday, December 08, 2008

Ignoring Gun Owners

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin was recently on PBS, and made the ludicrous claim that the Heller decision somehow has something to do with tanks and SAMs. Toobin went on to say that gun control wasn't an issue for voters this year, because "swing voters don't care about it".
That, along with the "Republicans weren't moderate enough" lie are the two big delusions being pushed.

Perhaps it will result in overconfidence, and too much will be reached for too soon.

Regardless, some of us are through obeying.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


Kent McManigal said...

Don't be "law abiding", be right.

km said...

Sorry that you are listening to CNN. I switched to Fox and it lowered my blood pressure. Last I counted I don't own a SAM or a tank so I guess I am okay.

David Codrea said...

Faux News? The one owned by Hillary supporter Rupert Murdoch?


The network that didn't cover Olofson. That was CNN.

I'm not defending one over the other, km. But you sound like you actually believe that "fair and balanced" ad slogan.