Thursday, January 08, 2009

Who is the "Powerful Gun Lobby"?

Today's Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner post. [More]

1 comment:

W W Woodward said...

My last comment to Daniel White's column. Check in with him he's on the right track.

We seem to be either a "powerful Gun Lobby" or a bunch of ignorant possum eatin' rednecks. Depends upon which group of protectionist Government Nanny State warm and cozy feel-goods happen to have the ear of the mainstream media at the time.

Folks, we are under attack and have been for a while. We've tried to deal with these rabid dogs as equals and as thinking logical human beings for far too long. We are not required to be nice to these idiots. Call them what they are and don't let up! There are 85 million of us for God's sake! It's long past ass whuppin' time.

We don't have to settle for being "allowed" (as a Texas state representative recently said) to exercise any of our rights.